On Saturday 26th January the South West Amiga Group will be holding a double-length meet, running from 11am – 10pm.
Moving away from our usual Swindon Makerspace venue for this one-off special meet, we’ll be holding it in the modern Doddington Parish Hall, Chipping Sodbury, just off junction 18 of the M4.
The venue has around 20 dedicated parking spaces right outside the main doors (with more at the back), wifi, and a kitchen. We have the entire venue to ourselves for the day. There is a takeaway a short walk away, which opens mid afternoon, and if there’s enough interest we could always order brunch in. Brief details of the venue can be found here:…/parish-hall/
With several of our regular attendees also active within Amiga North Thames, we’d like to invite ANT members along to make it a joint meet of epic Amiga related proportions. A number of SWAG members have expressed an interest in staying in the area overnight, so you may want to join them and make a weekend of it.
We’ll have a very special guest for this meet in the form of the one and only Trevor Dickinson. Trevor will be over in this part of the world as he’s attending Amiga Ireland the weekend before, and will be visiting us, accompanied by Matthew Leaman of Amigakit. (Note that to keep room hire fees low and avoid the council charging us rates for traders, there won’t be a stand selling Amiga hardware / software).
We need to raise the funds for the room hire, which has to be paid in advance. To cover this, we are asking those SWAG/ANT members who wish to attend, to pay £7 in advance.
If you would like to attend, please respond to this post, email ( or contact us via Facebook ( We will note your names and be in touch in due course to collect your entrance fee.
This has the makings of being a fantastic day long session, and could potentially see larger Amiga events organised if the interest is there.
A bit late now for my advance payment I guess, but I’ll be there! Love the SWAG website redesign too.