We are only a few days away from something different, we are going to Notts County Football Stadium where we will be there with a small group of SWAG regulars for a 2 day event called Kickstart 01, this is the first time for many years that Amiga and public will come face-to-face with people who are also into the hobby of keeping the Amiga active as it was back in the 90s. Tickets are sold out on Saturday but Sunday there may be some left.
SWAG will be there with other user groups showing you what the Amiga can do and we also will be answering any questions but how you can find a group in your area.
Nostalgia it maybe, but the scene is very active right now so no better time to visit us at Kickstart 01 and we will have more news of another event and our regular meet on here soon. Cya there. Dave